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Directions for Obi pattern
The seam allowance is drafted for 1/4 " but the pattern has been designed to work with a whider allowance. (Because who really has a 1/4 foot?)
Obi belt
1. Sew OBI together at seam "9-O"
2. Turn right side out. him both ends.
3. Iron flat.
4. Sew on Velcro / hook loop tape.
Obi bow and Obi pad.
The Obi bow and pad use the same pattern peace
1 . I find it better to fold both ends under 1st.
2. Sew "seam 9-OP and turn right side out.
Obi pad is finnished. obi bow needs to be sewn in a loop.
Obi bow strap
1. Sew "seam 9-BS and turn right side out.
2. sew ends toger to form loop.
3. push the OBI BOW through the loop. to form a bow shape
4. finish by pushing OBI belt through the back of the Obi bow strap .
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