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Fits SD , SD13 & SD13 BOY
1. With right sides together stitch FRONT to BACK at seam 1 & 2
2. Hem sleeve ends at hem 2
3. With rights together and fold line centered
stich sleeve end of FRONT & BACK to seam 7
for SLEEVE B&C only
3a. Hem hem 1 & hem 2
3b. With rights together stitch seam 8 leaveing
hem 1 & hem 2 open
4. Fold COLLAR at crease line rights face out and iron.
5. Stitch COLLAR to FRONT & BACK at seam 4 .
start at center back and stitch to front , it will make collar more even.
6. With rights together stitch FRONT to BACK at seam 5
5. With rights together stitch FRONT to BACK at seam 5
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